Black Onyx Colloidal Oats Mixed with Herbs


Our colloidal oars are finely milled to create a soothing and nourishing ingredient that is perfect for all skin types. Rich in beta-glucans and antioxidants, they provide gentle hydration and help to calm irritation, making them ideal for sensitive skin.


Colloidal Oats

Our colloidal oars are finely milled to create a soothing and nourishing ingredient that is perfect for all skin types. Rich in beta-glucans and antioxidants, they provide gentle hydration and help to calm irritation, making them ideal for sensitive skin. We let you choose if you receive just oats or a blend of our colloidal oats with a selection of carefully chosen herbs, enhancing their soothing properties and creating a powerful formula that promotes healthy, radiant skin. These combinations will hydrate, relieve dryness and irritation, offering a natural solution for your skincare needs. We recommend this product for those with eczema , dry skin, Itchy bites, and skin irritation from things like poison ivy. 

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Comprehensive Client Consultation Form for Colloidal Oats Mixed with Herbs
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Pick Own Herbs (Please Fill out up to 5 herbs you would like to add this option is available if you would like to decide on the herbs you want added.)
We Craft The Perfect Mix For You. Any Skin Conditions (Please Fill Out Any That Pertain To You)
Any Desired Benefits Looking For (Please Fill Out Any That Pertain To You)

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We will reach out to you shortly to create the perfect Colloidal Oats Bath Mix for your needs.



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